Sunday, May 3, 2020

Why A White State may never Exist in Africa.

One of the most important reasons no white state will ever be allowed to exist lies in the fact that of the 2 split states only one will succeed while other will follow the path of every other failed African state.
Being that I’m a nationalist I personally don’t stand on the side of splitting South Africa as I believe in my country as a nation of all its people. It’s the the Black socialists that have the racist view that only certain people are legible for inclusion in the country’s demographic. And it’s these same racist people that will most probably drive our country to war. Our options are not 2 states, they are our one and once great nation or civil war. Unfortunately that decision is in the hands of the people least capable of making such a decision as well as being best positioned to take advantage of the suffering of ALL South Africans.
This is my first political Ed about South Africa because I’ve never regarded what goes on in our parliament as politics but as thuggery. But the longer we all keep our heads down the worse it will get. It’s time for patriotic South Africans, both white and black to hold our political leaders to account for their dangerous and racist rhetoric and insist on standing together as one NATION and respecting all citizens as equal. Most on the ground everyday men and women already think and feel this way, so why is it our representatives in parliament are still pandering to the extremists and socialists. Are they as stupid as they appear or is there another global agenda pulling their strings?


Local, not only the lekker way, it’s the only way.
Everything is a global something.
Globalization, global economy, global investment, global sourcing, global health, global news, global village, global citizen, and global warming.
Every term a buzzword, some an oxymoron but worst of all they’re designed to damage The Guy next door.
Allow me a little leeway if you can, how, I ask with tears in my once pretty eyes does shipping jobs away, allowing less invested people handle our economy, having workers in other countries manufacture our components, expecting the world to be empathetic towards our ailments or calling it a village when we stopped learning the name of our neighbors. Worst of all we got ourselves some global warming.
Now don’t misunderstand me, it’s clear as the nose on my once less wrinkled face that there is change and not all for the better, BUT think local.
There was a time when the world was rallying around feeding starving children in Africa, not only was this a futile effort, it in fact had the opposite effect, Africa now has four times more starving children. Why? My take on it is this, it was dealt with globally by the people’s of the world, granted with good intentions, collectively trying to solve a problem that was entirely local, so instead of getting our hands dirty teaching the skills required to solve the problem (meaning admitting the people lacked the skills) we all virtuously gave our Two Rand and thought we’d fed someone, well we didn’t, as much as 90% of all funds raised paid for fundraising. The other 10% split between the hungry and the chiefs/warlords as a form of currency.
This brings me back to the climate issue, just the term “Climate Denier” was coined because it carried the connotation of Holocaust Denial. People are not deniers they are people who live where they live and try to enjoy the world around them, that is usually where they are located.
I personally am (some will surely disagree here) not so arrogant as to assume I have the power to sort the planets fever out from my little place upon it.
I strongly believe that no scientist or authority believes it’s possible either, so why the wailing and gnashing of teeth regarding the matter, because it’s keeping everyone occupied shouting about how they care more for this our Mother Earth than the next person. Virtue signaling about how they are going to be the change. Meanwhile actually doing NOTHING.
Hence the title of my little op-ed, do something, do a small little thing that you can look back at and know it’s done. Plant a vegetable garden, take a walk on the beach (try it it’s fun) and just pick up stuff that seems out of place, you may actually save a turtle, or a kids foot from a glass cut.
Do any small little thing locally because that is all you need to fix, the planet will sort itself out. Destroying our current economy for the possibility of some future generation having a marginally cleaner atmosphere is not the wisest choice, cleaning your own nest for the current generations makes way more sense.
Our environment is a local thing it is yours to pass on to the next generation, yours to enjoy now and yours to be proud of.
Practice environmentalism and leave climate to the noise makers and the planet herself.
Think of it in terms of growing from the inside out just as nature intended.
This may not sound all that helpful but if in the process of doing your bit you may encourage another to do the same, that’s change, cleaning up a small piece of your environment is change.
So to sum up, don’t beat yourself up over global climate disasters, or being used as a pawn in a political game over who pumps what waste where , JUST DO YOU.


This is a word shrouded in negative connotations, NO MORE.
Give this simple word it’s dues, it’s a word that has in its own little way has helped shape Western civilization and mould it’s people. Please don’t get me wrong the descendants of those westerners have no reason to feel shame, but the ability to do so has shaped our moral and principle base.
We of the northern continent being able to experience shame, avoid it at all costs.
The value of this is that we DO NOT TOLERATE shameful actions amongst our own, a rapist, a thief and a liar are shunned by us, the people of the north, we will not countenance this behavior nor will it be normalized.
This is sadly not true of all, some often seen in our country as politicians have no concept of the importance of shame and this allows them and their followers to punch down, steal from the weakest, abuse the oldest and molest the youngest, WHY, simply because the ability to do all these things and still walk amongst the people with head held arrogantly high is a sign of an inability to feel shame and this leads to an even worse problem, the inability to have empathy for your fellow man.
So try as you might this continent can not be assimilated with the rest of the world until these basic humanitarian traits have been recognized, accepted and seen to be the only solution that has any hope of transforming Africa.
Until then the world will continue to treat its people with the bigotry of low expectations, that sadly also goes clean over their heads. Because shame has another side to it, also a word with unmerited negative connotations, Pride.
Pride tempered with humility and compassion for ALL the people of a nation as well as pride in that nation is what will be required if nation building were to ever take place.
So in closing, do not stand idly by as bad men do evil, even the powerless have the ability to shame those among us that have little or no regard for the rule of law or the dignity of those around them. Shun them, expose them and ensure that if nothing else they can at least learn to feel some shame for their deeds that are hurting us all.
Stop repeating our mantra,,, well hell it is what it is,,, if it’s possible to steal so much that our electric needs, infrastructure, medical and educational systems collapse it hurts and degrades every citizen of our once, and can be again, beautiful, beautiful nation of people who are suffering.
If we can suffer together in these our most difficult times just imagine how the extraordinary peoples of our country could prosper in an healthy environment without the shameless corruption we’ve been lumped with by an egotistical elite.