Group vs Individual; Exceptionalism vs The Norm! Pt2
…………… This one thing is what I believe will be tearing our society apart in order to allow for the streamlined segue into a future that has almost certainly been planned in advance.
I have little idea as to what that would look like but I’m pretty damn sure it’s not being designed with mine or the average man’s opinion on the matter being taken into consideration.
And it’s this “average man” I’m going attempt to show the extreme worth of in Pt 2. ……..
That all said, what is normal? (In my opinion)
Normal is you!
Normal is, besides three people I know, everyone. Normal is, those GREAT men and women that go to work everyday and shoulder the proverbial grindstone, that work hard to ensure the best they can for those that rely on them. The many that ensure that we have an infrastructure, health system, educational institutions and law and order. The multitude regardless of race, sex, colour or creed, are hard at work in everything it takes to ensure the smooth running of our societies, including cashiers, packers, sweepers, mechanics, craftsmen, farmers, laborers, electricians and every single trade one can imagine. Consider unblocking your own sewerage system and then go and light a candle of gratitude outside the homes of any plumber you may know.
These are all normal people, our friends and relatives. The core of any successful society and the glue that holds it together. They are also the most likely ones to be COMPLETELY ignored when those we choose to elect as our leaders make ANY decisions.
What is it that I mean by the word.
I’m going to speak of men and women who I regard as exceptional. Regardless of whether or not I’m a huge fan.
Sir Robert Scott, Sir Edmund Hillary, Winston Churchill, Joshua Slocum, Naomi Uemura, Boudicca, Elon Musk types (not my favorite) and my favorite of all time Queen Elizabeth the First. We will all have a list of those we regard in this light.
The common thread I weave through all of them is courage, superhuman courage.
It takes courage to be a normal person also in that we require the courage to fulfill our commitments in the face of many hardships.
The exceptional among us differ in that they will risk EVERYTHING including their lives for, or in, their service to mankind as a whole. They opened new horizons, stood firm against adversity and/or showed humanity what was truly possible.
However there are also those exceptionals that deserve NO admiration but show similar characteristics. Such as he of Godwin’s law, Stalin, Chairman Mao, Julius Caesar and worst of the lot, and it’s not easy being worse than the bevy of deplorables mentioned above, the most destructive man, the one that may single handedly bring down society as we know it.
Larry Fink!
This man currently determines the direction the world is going in. He is the CEO of Blackrock. A corporation so large that MOST governments pale into insignificance and even if they don’t but require financing in ANY way he will dictate the terms. He is the architect and driver of ESG, a subject for another day, that insists that any corporation that requires financing adheres to HIS policies. And they do. I’ll not go down in history as any kind of commentator but will most certainly live as a conspiracy theorist, C’est la Vie.
But back to the point of the story, without the base required by civilization, that being the normal people of the world, the average person,us. The civilization we hold so dear will dissolve.
The ones we hold up as exceptional CANNOT exist without the ones I refer to as the norm. It’s not possible to aspire to greatness if there is no one there to ensure that the basics aren’t being taken care of. One doesn’t face down the juggernaut that was the Nazi empire unless one is defending the shopkeeper, the librarian and the farmer. Everest is not climbed but to be able to say “I did it because it was there”. The South Pole is not reached without an infrastructure capable of ensuring his success. Apple would not exist by Steve Jobs alone, it took thousands of engineers and developers to get where it is.
My point, those attempting to divide us and pretend that each and every one of is a special case, a black person, a female person, a gay person, a disabled person or any other of the myriad identities being foisted upon us/them are doing so in order to weaken the many.
The ones telling us to embrace our differences instead of the things that bind us are winning because we’ve been led to believe that it’s virtuous to exploit anything that may slightly set us apart from one another. While true we are individuals it’s even more true that we are a social animal and that we are by and large incapable of living without each other.
With that.
Nuff Said!
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