Friday, June 16, 2023

 Oh the pride we must all be feeling today, beautifully draped in the flag of the Ukraine. A country led by a charming man of the people, a bastion of democracy standing against the oppressive might of the evil Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, actor, comedian and equally as evil a dictator as his rival. The one tolerates no opposition and the other kills his opposition, you’ll find it difficult to figure out which one is which. 

But hell, he has the support of the great Biden, that standard bearer of ethics, intelligence, and great leadership that our beloved friends on the left, those complete retards that thought the last US election was an example to the world of honest, free and fair elections. It’s the likes of you that have caused this horror that isn’t effecting a single one of you. 

“Go to war”, “take down that evil man”, “here have more weapons” you said. 

How many of us have put any time into watching, caring or knowing anything about politics in and around the Baltics. Few I’d wager. But Putin is Russian and as such is always going to be the bad guy. Oh and a bad guy he most certainly is, however don’t for a second think Zelenskyy is by any means a better man. They are cut from the same cloth. 

Missing are the Ukrainian flags that covered your avatars, missing are the “Never Trumpers”, missing is any semblance of peace on earth.

Why? Because the weak leadership of the stupidly liberal far left wing west forced the hand of a man who is in no position to show any kind of weakness, Putin. This man holds power over a keg capable of blowing at any moment and equally as dangerous as the Yellowstone Super Volcano and with a possible similar outcome, if he loses grip on the reigns in what is a very scary and dangerous country. One that can only really be controlled by one such as he. Keeping in mind that the old USSR was made up of many countries still “burdened” with the left over munitions spread throughout the region by an extremely paranoid politburo. 

Who would have sway over them without Putin? Biden? The man does not nor can he, hold sway over his own bowels. The far left liberals now hold power in, I think, every country in the west and damn what a fine job they are doing. 

Lately and unfortunately I find myself being referred to as a conspiracy theorist, but it’s because I don’t and won’t believe that the kind of extreme stupidity required to have dragged us all down this path is possible unless willful. 

To purposely reduce the USA from being powerful enough to at least be able to insist on brokering peace, to have become the laughing stock of the entire world. To blatantly taunting a man that has no choice but to react, and to have absolutely no leadership even half the man Putin is. 

This is by design, not Biden, he’s in no way capable of thinking or planing even his next bathroom break. But I’m not privy to what is actually going on, it’s not unlike the last few years of social engineering by the same aforementioned far left wing liberals, the ones with the total and mindless support of an enormous following of COMPLETELY USEFUL IDIOTS, it’s you I despise, it’s you I hold accountable and it’s you that afforded these power hungry leeches on our society any legitimacy. 

In closing, no I don’t think you’re useful, and for the love of everything you hold dear please stop VIRTUE SIGNALING about how woke you are. Switch on your own brain, I know some leftists have one, and think critically keeping the future of our society in mind. Saving the planet is completely pointless if the society you belong to is eradicated. 

Bring it!

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