Friday, June 16, 2023

 Group vs Individual; Exceptionalism vs The Norm! Pt1

Try to remember being in Standard 2 and if anyone from another class picked on the girl who sat in front of you, we would band together with that girl as one of our own. 

This became the template to our development. The longer we remained at school, too long for some of us, the more the school spirit took hold and became the code we lived by. Our sports teams were supported and we took pride in who was appointed to scholarly leadership. From that it became our section, our platoon, our company, our regiment and our country. 

I’ll not compare our experience with that of the last and current generation because I have no first hand knowledge. But when I see the results of the rise of the individual being catered to at the expense of the group, or rules being changed to accommodate a single classmate who may not have an aptitude in a specific field in order to not make them feel left out. Could work, but results seem to prove otherwise. 

I had a very good friend at school for whom contact sport was not really an option (unless you count full contact squash as a sport) but I have no recollection of him being belittled or isolated by anyone. In fact it was these differences that tied us together as a very proud student body at a very unusual school. 

In today’s world we need to change the rules of everything in order to accommodate each individual persons perceived differences, be they mental or physical. 

You MAY (shall)  not notice that a mediocre male athlete who chooses to declare themselves of the opposite gender and excel because of a selfish rule change. This does not create inclusion, this causes resentment. 

That I believe is the entire point!

Divide and conquer,  a cohesive society is not easy to oppress, they, as was done in the olden days of the 70’s and 80’s, would band together and fight to protect those we regarded as our comrades. 

We have recently been tested and as a society we failed. We were very easily convinced to abandon our nature and allow the authorities to determine for us that we would not collectivize and ensure that our group was provided for and handling the claustrophobia of being in lock down and separated from our networks. 

In fact we (and I’m aware there are exceptions) pretty much ensured the comfort and welfare of ourselves. 

Not our way is it?

The collective, the group, the workmates and school spirit was taken away, by design I believe, but I’ll accept that few share my views on this. 

We Were Divided and Conquered!

Of course this assisted in giving rise to the notion that the individual should be catered to at the expense of the whole. It became almost essential that everyone get themselves a quirk or two so that could ensure that they to get some attention as an individual.

“Me, Me See Me, I’m Also Special!”

This one thing is what I believe will be tearing our society apart in order to allow for the streamlined segue into a future that has almost certainly been planned in advance. 

I have little idea as to what that would look like but I’m pretty damn sure it’s not being designed with mine or the average man’s opinion on the matter being taken into consideration. 

And it’s this “average man” I’m going attempt to show the extreme worth of in Pt 2. 

Nuff Said! 

(for now)

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