Group vs Individual; Exceptionalism vs The Norm Pt3
……………. The ones telling us to embrace our differences instead of the things that bind us are winning because we’ve been led to believe that it’s virtuous to exploit anything that may slightly set us apart from one another. While true we are individuals it’s even more true that we are a social animal and that we are by and large incapable of living without each other…………………..
The Dark Side of The Norm.
A teacher tells other teachers in training, and I quote, “We do not call them ped0phl1les anymore they are to be referred to as MAPs, minor attracted persons, so don’t judge people just because they want to have (relations) with a 5 (five) year old”
The response from the normal average person was NOTHING, that is the problem. Every person that says nothing or has no response is complicit and as guilty of promoting this agenda as the teacher that said it. That is the dark side of the norm.
For many years myself and people like me have been the Canary in the coal mine and for just as long we have been disregarded as fringe. Look where we are now, observe the state of the world and say to yourself “I didn’t do that” yes you did!
Apathy is complicity.
The exceptionals I spoke of before, the less than benevolent ones, they are profiting from your/our silence. They are the Stakeholder Investors that are in a position to force corporations into pushing their agenda. Why would they do this, simple, divide and conquer.
Imagine the boldness required to sell sexual items and accessories to children under seven years old, they do, a very large clothing store is doing so and advertising the fact. They do so because we, the average consumer, avoid conflict by kicking the problem down the road and hoping SOMEONE else will deal with it.
What you ought to be saying is “If not I, then who? If not now, then when?
I personally have zero fux left to give so no more will I shut up. It’s true that the man in the street may not have the capacity to change the world but he does have the ability to make him/herself heard. Stop being too afraid to speak up, stop being too scared to share what you learn. If you need more evidence that what I say is in fact taking place I BEG YOU please research what is going on in classrooms, chat rooms and Tik-Tok that your kids are being subjected to. It’s disgusting.
I get as many as 4 leads sent to me per article that I write, from people that are “concerned” about this issue but even they (by and large) lack the commitment to assist in spreading the message for FEAR of exposing themselves and their interests. There are some things in life more important than your image, more important than what your friends and colleagues think of you.
In conclusion.
I’m begging the mothers and fathers out there to take responsibility for the future of our children and their children. Please look into what is being said, and a skin deep dive isn’t going to be enough. You need to scratch deeper than Googles front page, deeper that anything powered by ESG financed companies, it’s not in their interests to pop all this on the front page, they HAVE to push the agenda or lose any access to finance. This is a worldwide phenomenon so please don’t think it is not YOUR problem. IT IS!
The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Triumph in the World is that Good Men Go Nothing.
Never Nuff Said!
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