Friday, June 16, 2023


If that one word doesn’t send shivers down spine you’re either part of it or a psychopath. This is meant for all. 

Klaus Schwab, so, who’s this dude? Besides using terms like “ve haf vays und means” un-ironically and being German at the same time. This aught to make even the toughest amongst us nervous. The last lime a German authoritarian used those words it didn’t end well for most of the planet and I expect the same outcome with this megalomaniac. He founded the world economic forum, yes founded it, he looked at the world in 1971 and thought “I know what the world needs” another German hell bent on world domination only 26 years after his role model Adolf (best known for his histrionics and great foreign relations policies) had died a well deserved death by his own cowardly hand. So I’ll carry on and introduce a few of his closest friends. 

J Michael Evans, now this pinnacle of virtue is group president of Alibaba. He and his retinue of freedom loving “great thinkers” have and are still in the process of developing software that (he feels) aught to be loaded on YOUR mobile phone in order to track and calculate your carbon footprint. I’ve never wanted to be kept an eye on by a nicer guy. It will tell HIM where and how you travel as well as the kinds of food and entertainment you enjoy. Makes me just want to give him a big old hug and thank him for caring so much for the welfare of someone so lowly as myself. (It’s highly unlikely he has any nefarious reasons for wanting to track that kind of information)

John Kerry, a long suffering servant of the people, a member of the Forbes family but most importantly a special presidential envoy for climate. There isn’t a private jet flight he’s ever turned down. (You know, in the interests of saving the planet) I can’t verify this 100% but it’s unlikely there ever been a bribe he turned down either. (Poor buggers got to have some money of his own otherwise his wife’s family may suspect him of gold digging) There is absolutely nothing interesting to say about this this man except that he is in a close battle with Joseph Biden to see who will come out on top as most likely to continue failing upwards. Neither of these two denizens of public service have ever even accidentally made a stand in parliament that turned out to be on the right side of history. God help us all. 

Bill Gates, owner of MSNBC and he had another job but it’s not important to this story. All I have to about him is that his greatest achievement may be outliving an actual genius, Steve Jobs. But sadly he just won’t go away, he has decided that only he knows how to butcher everyone on earth. (Sorry it’s that or inject them with something, I can never remember which and doubt it would have a different outcome)

Professor Alice P Gast, born American but judging by her accent has spent way too much time with Schwab and sounds like one of Herr Doctor Josef Mengele’s nurses. Terrifying I know. But she is of the people and explains down to us that we should accept the suffering inflicted upon us by the likes of her and her ilk. 

Why, BECAUSE IT’S IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS, that’s why. Now shut up and like it. 

And last but not least in this little preliminary who’s who of elites with our best interests at heart. 

George Soros, founder (just love that word) and CEO (very important) of the Open Society Foundation. Now I’ll advise y’all to take a seat before reading this segment. This man and his various “charities” fund, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and every caravan of migrants flowing across Mexico into the US. Hungarian born, but not allowed in Hungary and Jewish and not allowed in Israel, the only one. This man has spent a minimum of $32 billion doing all in his power to upset some world government or another and in his speech at Davos proclaims, as if surprised that civilization as we know it is about to collapse. Well fancy that you old goat, could he have spent more to destroy the world we live in he would. 

There is no place hot enough or with nearly enough spikes and scary things in hell that I would accept as the right amount of punishment for this absolute piece of human garbage. (You all know I mean fucking piece of shit, right?)

Ok I realize that the Soros bit was a little of an anticlimax however I ran out of meds last night and fear for my health if I were to continue writing about this subhuman individual. 

Ok that was a quick introduction to the people we’ve entrusted with our future one world government. Conspiracy theorist you say? Well perhaps but even the paranoid are sometimes actually being watched. Rand Paul a somewhat centrist US politician is happy going on record attesting to that possibility. 

It can still be in the hands of us, the people who simply want to live our lives without interference from big government and the likes of these power hungry socialists. We need to make our voices heard, if you are unsure as to the veracity of my words, do the work, the future of your children is all you’re going to pay if I’m right. The price I’ll pay if I’m wrong, nothing, if I’m right, everything I hold dear. 

Bring it!

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