Friday, June 16, 2023

 What Really Matters?

Can’t be anyone’s lives, if that were the case 28 people would not have died in a single city in the name of “lives mattering”. 

Can’t be equality, because it’s stated over and over again that only some amongst us deserve or will be regarded as equal. 

Can’t be dignity, as that is the very first casualty in the war on the streets, when people are forced to kneel and proclaim their solidarity with thugs. 

Can’t be honour, that sadly is no longer a trait looked for in men, men are required to be apologetic for all the great things they have achieved. 

Can’t be the future, the future is being destroyed in the interests of a few for political gains immediately in a worldwide power grab. 

Can’t be the family unit, that was replaced by the government telling women that “they don’t need no man” the government will provide. 

Can’t be the nation, that has been eroded by the “Open Borders Foundation “ in the name of globalization to the point that being patriotic is a social crime. 

Can’t be police brutality, because the last time there were riots and protests against that was in 2015 and I’ll assume the “brutality” remained the same. 

Can’t be anti racism, I don’t know any racists, and I’m unaware of the world suddenly becoming more racist lately. 

So what really matters?

Tearing down society,

Getting rid of Trump,

Appeasing Islam (no terror bombings),

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