Friday, June 16, 2023

 Julius Malema

Why so misunderstood?

I have a few theories and will offer my opinion in this editorial. 

Almost without exception Julius Malema is portrayed in South African media as being a bit of a clown. He is shown to be volatile and extremely racist towards the white minority in this country. I’m no longer so sure this is correct, in fact I’ll go so far as to say he is the target of a malicious campaign being perpetrated by the ANC government and the South African media. 

Keeping in mind the current president of South Africa is also a major stake holder in the countries media and communications companies. 

Cyril Ramaphosa, a man truly deserving of our ire, one of the country’s wealthiest BILLIONAIRES (about R6.5B) and leader of the ANC has a lot of incentive to make Julius look bad. A kind of sleight of hand you might say. 

“Look over there at the crazy threatening black man threatening you white, Indian and Coloured people”.  While he and his iniquitous den of thieves in the ANC steal everything that is not bolted down to the bedrock of our country. 

And in Cyril’s case stealing a lot of what is IN the bedrock of South Africa in the form of coal (he owns at least two coal mining companies but for some reason we don’t have enough to generate electricity). Enough about this known criminal this article is not about his thieving ways, it’s about his and his party’s character attack on those who stand up to them. 

Julius Malema for all his faults, and I’m sure there are many, is a David against Goliath in this scenario. He appears to be completely fearless and single minded in his views on the ruling party. That or he is playing the best game of 4D chess ever. 

I have recently had the privilege of watching a Q&A held at the Oxford Union in which Mr Malema was asked some difficult questions and he was able to answer them without a script and off the cuff in a way I would not have thought possible. He made a few errors but was sharp enough to correct himself. 

What struck me the most was the fact that he never vilified the white South Africans, he acknowledged their role in the country’s economy. 

He, and I can only agree with him, says that in order to stabilize our country we need to uplift the people of our country. 

The ANC proposes to do this by promising the citizens a lot of free stuff, just as socialists have done for decades, then deliver nothing, just as socialists haven’t done for decades. 

He suggests societal uplift through the means of moral and ethical capitalism. That instead of huge corporations paying BRIBES to the already fat and greedy government and its unions, to instead feed that capital back into the wallets and mouths of the workers. These workers will have little need of unions if they felt fairly treated. The very people that cannot afford the products they manufacture or are unable to get above the bread line. By empowering your employees with bonuses and incentives it creates not only a more loyal employee but also a greater customer base. 

I’m no socialist and abhor any kind of policy that is not merit based, but I do believe that spreading wealth and profits in a more equitable manner will result in a win win for the employer and the employees. 

I have clipped the last 3 minutes of an answer to a question from his visit to the Oxford Union and it gives a pretty good idea as to what he thinks and how he feels. 

I’m going to attempt to link my YouTube channel for the full Q&A but if that fails I’ll reply to requests with a link if possible. 

In conclusion 

Viva Julius Malema  Viva!

Nuff said. 

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