Friday, June 16, 2023

 What’s on your mind? 

This is the question asked at the top of the Facebook page every time you log on. 

The thing about this is that it would be extremely unwise to post exactly what is on your mind. 

For example, a friend of mine’s wife is in dire need of life saving bypass surgery, but, and it’s a very sad but indeed. No surgeries can be performed in our city because a certain demographic that is beyond reproach has decided that striking is fine in the essential services field. 

It’s only that demographic that can’t be called out for their disgusting and careless behavior. It’s only that demographic that has so little regard for human life that burning each other in the street, dropping babies into latrines and r.a.p.i.n.g. babies to cure a self imposed and culturally amplified disease is not stamped out on the spot. It’s leaders, the Sangoma advocate for it. 

So what’s on my mind. I’ll tell you. Why is it that we allow these halfwits to determine our lives. 

Worse than that is that the majority of the aforementioned demographic are not in favour of this kind of behavior, are not halfwits and are by and large ordinary people just like me. 

Why is it then that they allow their hatred of my race to cloud their own morals and principles, why is it that they are willing to allow the FEW to hold the common people hostage for the benefit of the elites? Why would anyone with an ounce of integrity vote for a government that is so blatantly corrupt and incompetent that the world makes jokes about it and turned us into the laughing stock of the international community. WHY? 

Be better!

Nuff said.

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