Friday, June 16, 2023

 The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations. 

This is a term I find myself using more and more often. 

But what does it mean?

In a nutshell it means; excusing the ineptitude or bad behavior of a demographic based on the said demographics track record or perceived handicaps. 

When I and I’m sure most conservatives following and or reading my opinions and editorials have issue with an action taken by ANYONE, I call out that action, I have no interest in the racial demographic of the perpetrator. 

The liberal left on the other hand take a somewhat different stance on these matters. 

They see themselves as the champion, protector and keeper of anyone who is not of their own demographic, why? Because they are bigots and racists. 

They will tell us “that if a black man steals its to be overlooked because that’s what black people do”. The black population themselves don’t hold this view (I hope), no it’s white liberals apparently standing up for them that believe that crap. 

They tell us that if there is mismanagement, it’s because this or that demographic don’t have the experience to handle the job, bullshit, the idiot incapable of doing the job is at fault not the entire demographic. And lack of shame, or they would resign. Lol. 

They tell us that quotas are required in order to get players of colour into sporting teams, how do you think the players of colour that worked their asses off to get to the top feel about being seen in that light. 

We’re told that in a country with a less than ten percent white population that BBBEE is necessary to ensure top jobs go to the formally disadvantaged of our country, I’m sure many black CEOs of major corporations would argue that to be untrue. 

So in conclusion. 

It’s white liberal racists telling nonwhite everyone else that they are in fact incapable of achieving anything without the assistance of them, the left, with the agenda to keep the black man subjugated. Tell them that it’s not their fault if bad behavior or lack of ability either socially, in leadership, in sport or in the world of business occurs. 

They are wrong. 

Lack of skill, honour, integrity or any other behavior you or I may find abhorrent is not the fault of the demographic they belong to, it’s the responsibility of the individual to be qualified on a merit basis for any position held. 

The trouble with how badly our wards, cities, provinces and country are run is not merely the fact that all the positions of decision making and power are held by black peoples. The problem is that they are held by incompetent stupid (often black people) in places of power via nepotism and corruption, never merit. 

This is the problem, not the colour of the person, but the means by which that person rose to power. 

So leftist assholes, stop virtue signaling about how you stand up for the poor downtrodden black man, have some respect for his people and refrain from COMMITTING THE BIGOTRY OF LOW EXPECTATIONS. Rather insist that only the best person for the task at hand is employed and no one I know will give any fux whatsoever as to the colour of their skin. 

Thank you for reading. 


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